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We design, host and place websites in search engines, and have since 1997! CDG offers a depth of experience and references that are unique in the industry. Call us to talk to a real person and obtain an affordable price quote on your design or redesign project.


Contact us for a quick price quote with discussion, without obligation.


Your site will look, work and be found better than your competitors.


This stage helps make sure your vision and ours align perfectly.


Site is up and work continues so you are found in search engines.

Whether you are redoing a major website or creating a new style, identity or marketing strategy, CDG will provide a beautiful and functional website. Let CDG design a proposal & test site for you. Our experience across hundreds of business types benefits all of our customers and it could work for you too.

Client Reviews

  • We love working with Creative Design Group. Dave and the crew are always on top of their game, letting us know how to optimize our site and our web presence. I highly recommend Creative Design Group.

    Luke Roussin
    First State Community Bank
  • Scott County has been with Creative Design Group for years and they are amazing. Anytime I have a question, they answer immediately and resolve any issues there are.

    Rita Milam
    Scott County
  • A HUGE 'thank you' to Dave and the entire CDG team for helping Starr Properties build not one, but two, amazing websites this year! CDG got to work RIGHT AWAY after our initial chat about our vision for our new websites, the entire process from the drawing board to going LIVE was faster and easier than I would have ever dreamed - and we are beyond THRILLED with how they both turned out! Thanks Dave for making this possible!!

    Janna Gates
    Starr Properties
  • I would like to thank Dave Green for always responding quickly and offering guidance when I contact him with my questions. I am very pleased with the website CDG designed and thankful Dave is so helpful. I'm looking forward to working with him more in the future!

    Karen Hindman
    Delta Realty LLC