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We design, host and place websites in search engines, and have since 1997! CDG offers a depth of experience and references that are unique in the industry. Call us to talk to a real person and obtain an affordable price quote on your design or redesign project.


Contact us for a quick price quote with discussion, without obligation.


Your site will look, work and be found better than your competitors.


This stage helps make sure your vision and ours align perfectly.


Site is up and work continues so you are found in search engines.

Whether you are redoing a major website or creating a new style, identity or marketing strategy, CDG will provide a beautiful and functional website. Let CDG design a proposal & test site for you. Our experience across hundreds of business types benefits all of our customers and it could work for you too.

Client Reviews

  • I work for a local non-profit, and in 2019 Dave and his team helped us revamp our outdated website. He also took the time to help us learn how to manage it and change things easily ourselves. For the details that require a little more knowledge I can send them an e-mail and get things adjusted promptly. Upfront pricing and excellent communication! Highly recommend.

    Rachelle Bennett
    Regional Healthcare Foundation
  • Dave has been wonderful to work with and they make it so easy to update your website yourself.

    Jeri Cooper
    Hartsburg Festival
  • Dave at Creative Design Group has been amazing to work with! He is very responsive and gets things done even before the time frame given. The price quote was also the best among the competitors that I reached out to. Whenever you need something changed or added CDG is on the ball! They are always ready and willing to work to update our website!

    Amanda Fitzwater
    Condoms FYI
  • We needed to update an ageing website and Creative Design Group was able to do that in a very timely manner. Thank you Dave for all you did for us.

    Robert Helmuth
    Concrete Stamper